Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday morning

It's finally cooled down enough to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows. I'm sure this will only last a few hours, but still...a breeze wafting through these walls is just what this house needed. (Well, a breeze and a dust rag perhaps.)

My second cup of coffee and I are sitting in a rocking chair next to my front window, listening to the birds, watching the old men take their morning walks. Seems like sort of an old lady way to start the day, eh? Yes well, when the time comes, after years of practice, I'm going to rock at being elderly.


Susanlee said...

The weather here is never nice enough to open windows, but I always like to do it when I'm in a more hospitable climate, like California. I don't think it's an elderly person thing...but it's true, you'll be a pretty rockin' granny.

Maria said...

Holy fucking Christ...would you PLEASE send that cool air to the prairie? I haven't shut my a/c off in over 2 weeks. Not even for a day. So freakin' hot. And I can't even complain to Bing because she just says, "I am in Africa. Don't tell me that you are hot. We haven't had electricity in four days either, so just go pull your shirt up and stand in front of the a/c, you'll be fine."

MmeBenaut said...

I'm a rockin' granny and I readily confess to not being able to do anything before I've had two coffees and greeted the birds in the morning ... make that very late morning (it's winter down here).