Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Really I do

I want to blog. Really I do. But, I am so fucking tired. Sick and tired of this rotation. I have an oral exam on Friday that I'm sort of very worried about. So, in every spare moment I feel like I should be studying for that. But, in every spare moment all I really want to do is sleep.

And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow I'm back in court all day for Divorce...take 962. Or does it just feel like that?


Anonymous said...

Can so relate to this feeling. Study or sleep. I tend to do the sleep thing and then panic and do study in a twelve hour angry block that leaves me wanting to sleep.
Then i do a few hours of blogging so that I can cheat post.
Its a vicious circle.
Much hugs hun, it can't last forever, it just feels like it at times. xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Sleep all the way through the divorce in the courtroom Terroni. That should fix it and him! Good luck sweetheart.

Vic said...

I hope court day holds relief for you when it is over - rather than being a cause for further stress.

Catching up on some sleep will help with the energy levels. It's hard to do with so much you feel you have to get done, however a half-awake effort will take you more time than if you are fully rested before studying.

That was very ill explained. It proves a point, though. I'm burning out and delirious, and could probably explain my point better on the weekend when I've had a chance to rest.

Susanlee said...

My poor T, just reading this makes me sleepy. Try and get some rest I'm sure you'll be brilliant for your exam. *cuddle*