I whisper sweet nothings in the pretzel's ear
Do you ever fall asleep during dinner and then wake up spooning your family size bag of Chex Mix?
Or was that just me?
Named for a woman who used to say, "If my legs were longer, I could be a model." When you asked, "How much longer?" she would hit you. Loved her.
Do you ever fall asleep during dinner and then wake up spooning your family size bag of Chex Mix?
Or was that just me?
8:55 PM
Reminds me of my days of working for our foreign minister - I used to go home and be so tired that I would take a packet of bbq shapes to bed with me and that was dinner and breakfast too. This is not a good diet though Terroni and you must try to prepare a little something ahead of time so you just open the fridge, reach in and then eat.
It's usally beer I fall asleep with instead.
It's just you, T.
It's totally not just you. I've woken up so many mornings snuggled up to bag of Cheetos and just known that I must have done something regrettable the night before. Don't let them lure you in with their charms...They never call the next day. ;)
I should have bought stock in Chex Mix. I keep those people in business!
Ever eat your lunch while you were doing a dissection in human anatomy? Ever fall asleep on a gurney....in the morgue?
Med school takes you places that you never thought it possible that you would EVER go.
Once, when my nephew was about 4 I made him stay at the table until he finished eating. He ended up falling asleep and then falling out of his chair. He cried, I laughed.
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