Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blending in

I was standing in the subway on Saturday morning, mouthing the lyrics to the song playing in my ipod. Two couples, clearly tourists, were sitting nearby. One of the women turned to her husband and, in a stage whisper, said, "Look at that person talking to herself. She's probably a schizophrenic. They have a lot of those here you know."

I thought, damn, I've only been here a day and already people think I'm a New Yorker. It's like I was born to travel.


Maria said... are loving New York, yes?

I was just thinking the other day about how people think that they are invisible when they are in their car. I have seen more nose pickers than I care to think about...

Susanlee said...

That is *exactly* why I don't sing along with my ipod or buy one of those bluetooth phone things...

Amanda said...

hahahaha... I am SO glad that you blog!

dive said...

At least it wasn't one of those stupid bluetooth phone things. Those people are always shouting and you can't tell 'em apart from Tourettes sufferers.

Anna said...

When I'm using my ipod and a really really good song comes on, I mouth the words and dance around. In my small city, I'm afraid I'm acquiring a reputation as a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to freak the tourists out, pop a alka selzer and let the foam fly.