Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dark clouds are comin'...

like an army.
Soon the sky will open up and disarm me.

It's storming, which is nice, because I was looking for an excuse to lie around in my underwear all day. Everyone knows you can't be expected to dress yourself or get anything done in this weather.


Sassy Sundry said...

Sigh. Am insanely jealous.

Deb Heller said...

Really? I had no idea that the weather promoted this licivious behavior. I will have to cogitate on that, since, as you know, this part of California isn't known for its "weather." We've often been informed that we have "no weather." (ie. it is sunny most of the time)

I think they mean that it doesn't thunder or storm much around here. Oh, we get an occassional gully-washer, but I couldn't tell you when the last one was...

I lie around in my underwear regardless of the the weather.


Maria said...

I can't lie around in my undies because then I would have to notice the cottage cheese on my thighs or that I have this little roll around my stomach when I sit down.....

But, hey...go at it, missy.

Susanlee said...

It stormed while I was at work last night and the power went out. It was super exciting for like 3 seconds until the generator came on...so the whole room sounded like this: yaaayohh...